Excalibur Rope Cocking Aid


Our Rope Cocking Aid will allow you to comfortably load and unload any Excalibur crossbow by reducing the felt draw weight by 50% and also will guarantee perfect string alignment for optimum accuracy.

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Save 6% when you spend $2,500!

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Save 5% when you spend $1,000!
Save 6% when you spend $2,500!

Our Rope Cocking Aid will allow you to comfortably load and unload any Excalibur crossbow by reducing the felt draw weight by 50% and also will guarantee perfect string alignment for optimum accuracy. Made from highest quality components, it uses comfortable “T” handles

How to Use the Rope Cocking Aid

  1. Take the two hooks, one between each thumb and forefinger and facing away from you, and spread them apart until they contact the handles and the handles are in the palm of each hand.
  2. With your foot firmly in the the crossbow’s stirrup, bend down and attach one hook onto the string tightly aligned to the stock and with the handle away from the stock.
  3. With the rope between the hooks braced in the string groove behind the trigger unit, pull the other hook down until the rope becomes tight.
  4. Continue pulling down on the unattached hook with one hand while you pull up on the crossbow’s string with the opposite hand. This will allow you to attach the second hook onto the string against the stock.
  5. Taking the two “T” handles into your hands, with the rope running between your fingers, stand up straight and bend your elbows to draw the crossbow string into cocked position.
  6. Immediately upon cocking your crossbow and before removing the cocking aid, put the safety in the on position.
  7. Put the rope cocker in your pocket and go hunting!


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Measure Arrow Length - Carbon to Carbon

Why Equalizing the Weight of Non-Lighted Arrows is Important

When choosing Firenock lighted nocks you have an option use the weight match nock system.

There is roughly a 23 grain difference when adding Firenock lighted nocks. It can result in lower impacted points at distances of 30 yards and beyond, and also change your front of center percentages.

There is a simulated weight that attaches to your nock just the same as the lighted nock that will make all of the nocks weigh the same. This will ensure your arrows all fly the same.

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